We’re working to reach the expectant parents most at risk of experiencing stillbirth. Our ultimate goal is to make meaningful, sustainable, and systemic change that leads to a world where the impacts of age, ability, access to healthcare, ethnicity, geography, race, or socioeconomic status are no longer predictors of stillbirth.
Every year in the U.S. an average of 21,209 babies are born still, according to the CDC. Disparities in stillbirth outcomes persist, and data shows that a disproportionate number of babies are born still to Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Black, and American Indian or Alaska Native families. Expectant parents in some age groups, geographic locations, and those expecting multiples also face an increased risk of stillbirth.
Who is most at risk of losing a baby to stillbirth? [Source]
What factors contribute to stillbirth?
Research from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) shows there are several contributing factors to the disparities in stillbirth. Researchers point to the following as causes for the differences.
Many moms who have experienced the tragedy of stillbirth report a complete lack of awareness that stillbirth was a possibility or that a change in their baby’s movement was an important issue to report to their provider. By remaining SILENT about the U.S. stillbirth crisis, we are actually contributing to the occurrence of stillbirths.
Providers would never consider hiding the risk factors for heart disease or the symptoms of a heart attack from patients. Knowledge about possible health outcomes can help prevent larger health tragedies. Educating on stillbirth IS preventative medicine.
Here are five ways you can help improve the conversation.
View some of the tools and resources helping us reach those most at risk of experiencing stillbirth.
Your support goes directly to accelerate progress in stillbirth prevention through education, advocacy, and research.
Fund a campaign to members of Congress advocating for stillbirth prevention programs and funding.
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