Stillbirth Prevention Legislation

More than 21,000 babies a year are stillborn, but it does not have to be this way! Constituents like you can help us raise the volume on the stillbirth crisis and educate decision makers that they can and must do more to prevent preventable stillbirths! Learn more and take action today!

Raise the Volume on the Stillbirth Crisis

We hear time and time again from Congressional staffers that hearing from constituents is the number one thing that gets Congress to ACT. If you haven’t done so already, please lend your voice to this movement. Learn more about how you can show your support for the SHINE for Autumn Act.

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Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act

Learn more about how the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act of 2024 will spur states to focus efforts on stillbirth prevention.

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Stillbirth prevention advocates on the steps of the Capitol with Congresswoman Alma Adams.
Stillbirth prevention advocates on the steps of the Capitol with Congresswoman Alma Adams.
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Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act

Learn more about how the Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act of 2024 will spur states to focus efforts on stillbirth prevention.

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Stillbirth Prevention Legislation

SHINE for Autumn Act

Healthy Birth Day, Inc. is a proud endorser of the SHINE for Autumn Act, which was introduced in both houses of Congress on July 27, 2023.

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Stillbirth Prevention Legislation

SHINE for Autumn Act

Healthy Birth Day, Inc. is a proud endorser of the SHINE for Autumn Act, which was introduced in both houses of Congress on July 27, 2023.

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National Stillbirth Prevention Day

National Stillbirth Prevention Day was first recognized by Congress on Sept. 19, 2022. This day of awareness honors the tens of thousands of American families who lose a baby to stillbirth every year. The resolution asks Congress to resolve to do all it can to prevent the tragedy of stillbirth from happening to more families. In 2023, bipartisan resolutions designating Sept. 19 as National Stillbirth Prevention Day were introduced in the 118th Congress.

National Stillbirth Prevention Day is an opportunity to increase public awareness about the more than 21,000 babies who are stillborn in the U.S. every year, to promote stillbirth research and prevention, and to provide community to the many Americans who have experienced stillbirth.

National Stillbirth Prevention Day is Sept. 19.
Read the Resolution
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Buildings will be illuminated on Sept. 19 in honor of National Stillbirth Prevention Day
Lights for Stillbirth Prevention
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We want to thank Congresswoman Alma Adams (D-North Carolina), Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa), Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon), Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) for leading this Resolution.

Thank you to all of the organizations, advocates and elected officials who helped make this day a reality!

Stillbirth Stories baby feet
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Stillbirth Stories

We encourage families and health professionals who have been directly impacted by stillbirth to share your personal story via the Stillbirth Stories website.  Help us elevate the issue of stillbirth.

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Thank you for helping prevent preventable stillbirths with us.

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Count the Kicks educational materials

Help us push for life-saving stillbirth prevention initiatives in the U.S.

A pregnant woman wears a kick counting bracelet

Provide essential stillbirth prevention tools to 15 expectant parents.

Educational toolkit for providers

Supply a birthing hospital with stillbirth prevention materials.

MercyOne Count the Kicks presentation

Fund a campaign to members of Congress advocating for stillbirth prevention programs and funding.


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