A supporter writes a letter.

Activate change in America

Let decision makers know why stillbirth prevention is important to you. Encourage them to support this important work.

We’ve created sample wording you can use in a written letter to decision makers. It’s also important to share your personal story about why stillbirth prevention matters to you. Feel free to use the template wording below, and then find contact information for your Representatives and Senators. Please include your return postal mailing address when corresponding with a Congressional office.

Sample Letter

Dear {Insert Name},

I am writing to encourage you to support an important piece of stillbirth prevention legislation in the 118th Congress. The bipartisan Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act aims to prevent stillbirth through enhanced data collection, research, education, and awareness. It would be the first comprehensive, federal-state partnership to reduce stillbirth rates in the United States.

According to the CDC, every year 21,000 families in the U.S. experience the tragedy of having a baby born still. In the U.S. the annual number of stillbirths far exceeds the top five leading causes of deaths among children aged 0-14 years combined, including unintentional injuries, congenital anomalies, pre-term birth, homicide, SIDS, and heart disease. Racial disparities persist, with 1 out of every 101 Black pregnancies ending in stillbirth. Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islanders and American Indian or Alaska Native pregnancies are also at greater risk of experiencing a stillbirth.

This issue is important to me because {insert your personal story here}.

This legislation recognizes that stillbirth (defined as the loss of a baby at 20 weeks or greater during pregnancy), and the disparity in those impacted by stillbirth, requires further research, support, and prevention programming.

I would be so grateful for your support, and encourage you to sign on as a cosponsor for the SHINE for Autumn Act today.


With Gratitude,

{Insert Your Name Here}


Would you like to ask your decision maker for a meeting? We’d be happy to attend with you and can help you prepare. Please reach out to us at [email protected] in advance of your meeting request!


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